GP Consultations

In-clinic and video consultations available.

We recognise the importance of personalised care with a highly skilled professional who can dedicate time to understand your specific needs. This is not always possible in a standard GP appointment.

At Menopause Health Matters, our experienced GPs are here to listen to you and support you with advice and evidence-based treatments to improve this phase of your life and help you optimise future health, offering tailored, personalised care with ample time to discuss your symptoms and concerns in detail.

If appropriate our GPs can provide private prescriptions for any recommended HRT treatment.

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What to Expect from Your GP Consultation.

Before your Consultation

You will be required to complete an online detailed medical questionnaire when booking your appointment. This is confidential and will be stored in your patient notes for the GP to review.

Initial Consultation

45 minutes (£250) or 30 minutes (£175)

At your initial consultation, the GP will discuss your symptoms and medical history in detail, exploring your thoughts, concerns, and goals.

Please bring along any information you might have about prescribed or over the counter medication or supplements you are taking, plus information about any recent menopause related blood tests and consultations.

A physical examination to assess your body mass index and blood pressure may be undertaken and, depending on your symptoms, a vaginal examination may also be offered. Sometimes, a blood test may be recommended to help guide treatment or understand more about your health. This can be organised in the clinic with our own Phlebotomist.

The GP will discuss treatment options with you and together you will agree a plan of care. This may include medical treatment in the form of HRT. However, other treatments are also available to help with symptoms, and this will also be discussed.

The GP can provide private prescriptions for any recommended HRT treatment. We work closely with a partner online pharmacy who have a good stock of HRT medication which can be delivered directly to your door.

If you have been prescribed HRT you will be required to book a follow-up consultation for 3 months after starting treatment. Again, a blood test may be required prior to this appointment and the GP will advise you on this.

Follow up Consultation

Up to 20 minutes

This is an opportunity to review your progress and make any necessary changes to your treatment plan depending on your symptoms. If you have been fitted with a Mirena Coil, this can also be checked at this appointment.

Follow up consultations are available to all existing patients. Our door is always open, and you are welcome to book an appointment as often as you wish.

After Your Consultation

Following each consultation, you will be emailed a written summary of your assessment and management plan. This can also be emailed to your GP at your request and provided you supply us with your GP surgery email address. Alternatively, we can print off a copy for you to drop in to your GP surgery.

New Patients

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Existing Patients

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Frequently Asked Questions

Body identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) refers to hormone medications that contain hormones that are structurally identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. These hormones are synthesized in a laboratory but are molecularly identical to endogenous hormones. Body identical HRT typically includes oestradiol (a form of oestrogen) and micronized progesterone or synthetic progestins. The term “body identical” is used to emphasize that the hormones used in these treatments are chemically indistinguishable from the hormones naturally produced by the body.

Transdermal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves delivering hormones into the body through the skin via patches, gels, creams or sprays. In transdermal HRT, hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone are absorbed directly through the skin and into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. Transdermal HRT offers an alternative to oral hormone medications and allows for more consistent hormone levels throughout the day. Many women at increased risk of stroke can safely take transdermal HRT because the oestrogen goes directly through the skin and into the bloodstream bypassing the liver.

The terms “body identical” and “bio-identical” are often used interchangeably, but they can have different meanings depending on the context. Body identical HRT refers to hormone medications that contain hormones that are molecularly identical to the hormones naturally produced by the body. These hormones, such as oestradiol and progesterone, are synthesized in a lab but have the same chemical structure as endogenous hormones.

On the other hand, the term “bio-identical” is sometimes used more broadly to refer to compounded hormone preparations that are custom-made by a compounding pharmacy based on an individual’s specific hormone needs. These compounded bio-identical hormones are tailored to each person and can include a combination of hormones such as oestradiol, progesterone, and testosterone. At the moment bio- identical HRT is not regulated in the UK and is not approved by the NHS or menopausal societies.

Several pharmaceutical companies produce body identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) products. Some well-known brands of body identical HRT include Evorel and Estradot transdermal oestradiol patches, Oestrogel, Sandrena Gel , Lenzetto Spray and Utrogestan for oral micronized progesterone. It’s important to consult with a healthcare menopause specialist to determine the most appropriate HRT brand and form of administration based on individual needs, medical history, and preferences.

The duration of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can vary for each individual. It depends on factors such as the purpose of HRT, individual health considerations, and individualized treatment plans. It is recommended to regularly reassess the need for continued treatment with a healthcare provider. For women using HRT for specific medical conditions, the duration may be longer, and the treatment plan should be discussed and monitored closely with a healthcare provider.

Testosterone plays an essential role in women’s health. It contributes to overall well-being by influencing mood, energy levels, and sexual function. Testosterone also helps maintain bone density and muscle mass, promotes the growth and strength of hair, and supports cognitive function. In women, testosterone is produced primarily in the ovaries and adrenal glands. While testosterone levels are much lower in women compared to men, an imbalance or deficiency in testosterone can lead to symptoms such as reduced libido, fatigue, mood changes, decreased muscle strength and joint pain.

Low testosterone levels in females can manifest in various symptoms, including reduced libido, decreased sexual satisfaction, fatigue, decreased energy levels, depressed mood, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and decreased muscle strength. Other potential signs of low testosterone may include hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, and reduced bone density. However, it’s important to note that these symptoms can have various causes, and a healthcare provider should evaluate and diagnose low testosterone through appropriate testing.

Androfeme is currently unlicensed in the UK but can be prescribed at specialist private menopause clinics as it has proven benefits in numerous clinical trials. It has been specially formulated and scientifically proven to be safe and effective for women.

Yes, testosterone can be prescribed to women in certain cases. Testosterone therapy in women is typically used to address specific medical conditions, such as certain types of hormonal deficiencies or disorders. It may also be considered as part of gender-affirming treatment for transgender individuals. The decision to prescribe testosterone to women is based on a thorough evaluation of individual health, symptoms, and hormone levels. Testosterone therapy should be supervised and managed by a healthcare provider experienced in hormone therapy to ensure safe and effective treatment.

Your Questions Answered


Below are some of the questions we get asked most frequently. If there is any further information you require then please contact us directly.

Clinic and Appointments.

You do not need a referral from your GP to attend the Clinic. A detailed health history will be taken prior to your initial consultation.

Menopause consultations are currently not covered by private insurance companies.

Please bring details of any medication or supplements that you are presently taking. If you have had any blood tests done by your GP, please bring copies of the results. This may avoid unnecessary repetition and cost.

You are welcome to bring an adult relative, friend or supporter to your consultation or procedure should you wish. If you prefer your companion to wait outside, we have a private and comfortable waiting area with refreshments. To respect the privacy and comfort of our other clients we politely request that that you bring no more than one person to accompany or wait with you at any time.

Following each consultation, you will be emailed a written summary of your assessment and management plan. This can also be emailed to your GP at your request and provided you supply us with your GP surgery email address. Alternatively, we can print off a copy for you to drop in to your GP surgery.

The Mirena coil can be fitted by one of our doctors in our discreet and comfortable specialist Medical Suite.

We provide blood drawing with our experienced phlebotomist at the Clinic.

Barns Crescent car park (KA7 2AY) is within a 2 minute walk of the clinic.

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View Our Pricelist

Annual Payment Plans

We are delighted to offer a Payment Plan at Menopause Health Matters which will help to spread the cost of GP appointments and blood tests for our clients.

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GP Consultations

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GP Telephone Service

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

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Mirena Coil Fitting

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Personalised Nutrition & Lifestyle Plan

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Blood Tests

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Annual Payment Plans

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Menopause Employee Benefit

Menopausal women are, demographically, the fastest growing group of workers in the UK. We offer personalised care for your employees and our team highly skilled professionals dedicate the time to understand and treat their individual needs.

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Our services and advice are provided for non-urgent circumstances only and it is not possible to contact any of our clinicians outwith appointment times. Any client or prospective client whose needs require more urgent or multidisciplinary support should contact their GP in the first instance.

In case of any medical or mental health emergency including risk of suicide, please call 999 or attend your nearest Accident and Emergency department. The following services may also be contacted:

NHS 24 – 111
This service is available to give help and advice if your GP surgery is closed and you cannot wait until it re-opens.

Samaritans – 116 123;
This service provides twenty-four hour emotional support to individuals who are suicidal or in crisis.